Here’s a video with a couple that explains what they are looking at with the “cut off points” if you will on what the cost is going to be. When you look at the jump with just a $1.00 difference with income, the cost jump is huge and they used the Covered California calculator to help them make decisions. There’s already been some of this in the news to where consumers now are having to make decisions based on “flawed models” out there that were perhaps set up to benefit insurers with keeping in line with the “risk assessments” designed but again the way it plays out with the algorithmic formulas it can be insane for those on the edge of the next income bracket. A couple weeks ago I made the post about the “damn algorithms” with Obamacare and in one day it has over 5000 hits, which unheard of for the most part for my blog with the crowd numbers I reach…so it was read well…it is the algorithms causing all of the discrepancies and again we go back to the models as the formulas are written to work and run on servers 24/7, based on the design of the model.
Those Damn “Killer Algorithms” Keep Screwing Up Obamacare, One more Delay Added for Small Businesses, Static Text Laws and Digital Technology Crossing Hairs, We Continue To Endure the Constant Rise And Fall Of The Machines…
Sure you can read the stories all day long on the politics side of it and sure that plays in there a little bit but what do we as consumers have to “really” deal with..the models running on the website so really no matter what politicians say or promise, until anything gets changed with a model, the machines are running the show. It is all about the continuous rise and fall of the machines here as the models are being tested again and again and are much harder to build today for sure than the days when Medicare Advantage models were built years ago.
Obamacare for 2014, How In the World Are All Those Algorithms Going To Play Together, World of Complex IT Infrastructures That Are Attached To Almost Every Law On the Books Might Pose Some Issues To Recently Generated House Bills…
When you go back in time the 3000 plus pages of the Affordable Care Act was written, the verbiage was of course gone over by stacks of lawyers etc. to ensure everything was legal, but again the code running on servers (as modeled and written by interpreting verbiage in the law) runs hog ass wild. That was a tough job and if you go back in time, the folks in charge of this area like Nancy DeParle and Steve Larsen got out of it and went back to private industry for more money when the going got tough as again it’s a daunting project. We’ll have more and more of this I seem to believe until we get some “digital centric” laws out there to where the technologies are spelled out and named in some of these processes. Again that’s not a perfect science for sure but at least it would make lawmakers look at what runs all of the complexities with IT infrastructures instead of what we have now, a blue lagoon of models and algorithms that are not working all the way around.
When Congress gets stuck with complexities they like us have emotional outbursts that get attention like the “fake” filibuster to where Ted Cruz decided to read Dr. Seus which didn’t accomplish much and I’ll say it again, Congress really needs to restore that Office of Technology Assessment to help them and that’s’ a non partisan statement, they all need it. I can’t figure out for the life of me why they run from or don’t consider such as we are living in the most complex times ever so hey do like everyone else does, research and get some cold hard data going to help make better found laws.
So just watch the video and see where the “starch” dividing lines play in here…and yes to adjust this requires bringing a bunch of new “query monsters”, quants and a few others to see if this model can be adjusted to work better with humans. If you watch Video #2 below in the footer about the Quants of Wall Street you will hear some former financial folks talk and basically come flat out and tell you “people don’t work that way”…pretty good worlds of wisdom from a current financial professor who used to be part of writing the black box code for Goldman Sachs? You think? Here’s a clip from it as a preview…
The model of insurance subsidiaries for many in California is broken. BD
Dawn and Nick LaPolla of Fair Oaks are solidly middle class, and they aren’t uninsured.
Yet their required switch to a new health insurance plan under federal changes puts them at a financial crossroads.
If they earn less than $94,200 a year, the family of four’s preferred plan through the California health exchange would cost about $750 a month. But if they make even slightly more, they’ll pay about $1,040. That’s because they would exceed the threshold to qualify for federal subsidies. Their current high-deductible plan, which expires in two months, costs $573 a month.
A 58-year-old earning $46,000 a year and living in Bakersfield would pay about $5,075 a year, or 11 percent of his pay, for the most-affordable plan. If he made $45,000 a year, he would pay $2,570, or 5.7 percent of his income, for the same plan.
A household of three, ages 16, 45 and 46, earning $80,000 and living in San Jose would pay $8,928 a year, or more than 11 percent of their income, for one of the cheapest policies. At $75,000 a year, the cost would drop to $4,512, or 6 percent of their income.
“We created this law because people had to to choose between paying the mortgage and paying for health insurance so they didn’t go bankrupt from medical bills,” Court said. “Now some of them need to make new choices: Should they work or cut back in the labor force to get the subsidies?”
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