Worked as an executive coach and strategy consultant in the healthcare market provide a unique perspective. Over the past few years I have found myself involved in a project with a global, multi-billion dollar medical device, a leading teaching hospital, a leader in information technology, investor-based start-up, and the regional hospital system. It has delivered an interesting perspective to see the shadow health reform has been put on the whole landscape. While many of these changes is yet to come, driving this change is rippling through the sector.

Two major changes that occurred, one that would lead to another. First, hospitals are moving towards evidence-based care. I know this may sound a bit odd and confusing to the layman (ie patients) who looked at as a practice of medicine and science. Does not always evidence-based science? Well yes, of course, in a laboratory or clinical trials. But delivered through the practice of clinical medicine. While we all believe that the surgeon and physician guided and immersed in medical science, we must also appreciate that once they are in the practice of medicine continues to evolve scientifically and technologically.
Medical science does not stop. Nearly $ 30 billion in annual tax research dollars invested by the National Institutes of Health to push the envelope forward at an ever accelerating. And this figure does not include private research and development dollars biopharmaceutical and medical device companies. In fact, recently projected that the scientific knowledge of mankind is doubling every five years. How many peer-reviewed, clinical studies that we can expect even the best surgeons and medical practitioners to read every year?
Surgeons and physicians do the best they can to keep pace with the state of the science, but traditionally, they practice medicine within a relatively small community of peers, institutions, and colleagues. The practice of clinical medicine, unlike many other technologically-driven industries, has been fragmented. All of the critical-to-quality variables that have been captured, analyzed, and applied in aeronautics, electronics, software, automotive engineering, pharmaceutical manufacturing, even the frying of the perfect fast-food french fry have been unattainable in clinical medicine. Until now.
The federal requirements for automating patient records is unleashing a new age in medicine. And patient records are just the beginning. The application of informatics, the ability to capture large, statistically significant pools of clinical data regarding demographics, genetics, presenting conditions, treatments, surgical procedures, peri-operative care, and patient outcomes is driving a seismic shift in how medicine will be practiced in the future. It is probably the last frontier, the last industry to benefit from transposing raw data into cogent information that will dramatically effect quality, costs, and the standardization of processes to optimize both of these factors simultaneously.
The net effect of this is a fundamental shift in the buying influences and decision makers for purchasing medical devices within the hospital. Once the sole domain of surgeon preference, these decisions are now migrating to value-add committees; teams of clinical and administrative professionals that are looking to optimize the coming wave of efficiencies and positive patient outcomes that are the promise of evidence-based care. Which brings us to the inevitable and immediate challenge of medical device manufacturers. The entire criteria for who, where, and what will be purchased is spiraling away from their traditional sales and marketing model.
The sales engines of multi-billion dollar medical device companies are not haphazard organizations that organically sprouted up in the marketplace. These are organizations that have been meticulously optimized by a continuous succession of exceptionally bright professionals over a hundred years of market presence, and, in many cases, decades of distinguished market leadership. These are organizations of pride and pedigree. Organizations that fine-tuned the wining and dining of key decision makers, of hiring and the training just the right type of sales professionals capable of persuading key surgeons, clinical opinion leaders, and early adopters of sway within the clinical community. Vastly expensive enterprises of dozens, if not hundreds, of highly paid sales mercenaries that invested years, if not decades, in cultivating key relationships and a professional presence within their territories.
The tidal shift that is occurring in the marketplace is rapidly displacing the traditional value proposition and delivery vehicles of these finely tuned machines. These are not frigates that can turn on a dime. They are the equivalent of aircraft carriers being tasked to come about in the middle of the Suez Canal without losing steam or momentum. Many medical device companies recognize they need to adapt to dramatically different circumstances of which they collectively have no historical experience in navigating. Keep in mind, cataclysmic change rarely serves the incumbent. Well established and longstanding careers emerged and evolved under very different drivers, influences, and environments, solidly anchored to the past. Transformational change does not come easily.
All of this culminates in the need for medical device companies to find new, unprecedented approaches for developing, marketing, and selling their technology. Their is no turnkey, off-the-shelf solution for adaptive change. Adaptive change requires a shift in perspective to occur, for fresh thinking to emerge, and for new, efficacious processes to coalesce. The imperative that will enable adaptive success requires organizations to align and leverage their leadership, strategy, and culture; fully engaging the human talent and intellectual property they enjoy. Adapting to the transformational and rapidly shifting healthcare environment will require the courage to step away from timeworn sales and development models and discover entirely new paths to market.
With what we are witnessing, I cannot help but think of Darwin and his theory of evolution. Many people misunderstand his theory of survival of the fittest. It isn't the strongest, the largest, or the most intelligent that survive. It is those that are the most adaptable to change. And as it is with species, it will be with today's medical device companies...those that are most adaptable to change will be those that thrive in the future.
Terry Murray is a professional coach and business executive with twenty-five years of progressive experience in strategic development, executive leadership, and the deployment of highly profitable business teams. His executive leadership with Fortune 1000 and start-up companies has directly contributed more than $1 billion in market capitalization growth throughout his career.
Terry is the founder and managing partner of Performance Transformation, LLC a Professional Coaching and Strategic Development firm focused on igniting breakthrough performance through the authentic engagement and development of human talent. The company's evidence-based programs and philosophical approach employs their proprietary Accretive Coaching Process. The organization's engagements align the clients' human capital with their strategic imperatives driving tangible results, delivering a sustainable competitive advantage and an exceptional Return on Investment.
Terry is a graduate of The Whittemore School of Business, University of New Hampshire and a veteran of U.S. Naval Intelligence. He has just completed his first book, "The Law of Traction ~ Engaging the Mind, Heart, & Spirit for Transformational Performance".
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