Knee pain is a fairly common complaint, especially among active people and the elderly. For much of our lives our body movements do not cause problems, but everyday wear and tear, injury, or illness can cause knee symptoms to develop. While most knee problems arise from sport or work related activity, some complaints are due merely to overuse as a result of being overweight, in poor physical condition or just getting old.
As far as joints go, the knee is the body’s largest, followed closely by the hip. It is a complex joint consisting of two cartilaginous disks (meniscus) at the end of the femur and the lower leg bones, the tibia and fibula. The joint is held together by ligaments and articulated by muscles connected by tendons. The surface of the bones inside the knee joint is covered by articular cartilage, which absorbs shock and provides a smooth, gliding surface for joint movement.
Certain jobs that are physically labor-intensive, sports and recreation activities, not to mention being overweight, aging, or having an inflammatory condition, can increase your chances of having problems with your knees. However, knee pain is almost certainly some function on inflammation – either by way of an injury, or a joint condition, or poor diet.
These are foods that can trigger body inflammation that, in turn, further inflames your knee cartilage damage. If you have knee pain from inflammation try to avoid these seven foods:
- Trans Fats
- Sugar
- All wheat – including pasta, gluten and flour
- All Artificial Sweeteners
- Vegetable oils (except extra virgin olive,and nut and seed oils)
- Beef and Dairy
- Nightshades (Potatoes, tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, tomatillos, cucumbers, pimentos, paprika, cayenne, and Tabasco sauce)
Usually the joint inflammation goes away after the cause goes away or is treated. Sometimes it doesn’t. When this happens, the discomfort and pain will continue. It can turn into a long-term condition that can cause inflammation of the joint and its surrounding tissues.
The Anti-inflammatory medications used to treat knee joint pain include aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naprosen. Although these NSAIDs work well, long-term use can cause stomach problems, such as ulcers and bleeding, and possible heart problems.
Because these anti-inflammatory drugs are wrought with so many potentially dangerous side effects, much research has been employed to discover safer, more natural, alternatives. One such natural alternative that has been studied is polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). These PUFAs, which include omega-3s EPA and DHA, have been shown in numerous, published, studies to be extremely powerful antioxidant compounds that are particularly effective in relieving inflammatory pain associated with various conditions and are commonly recommended as an all-natural alternative or adjunct to NSAIDs.
Omega XL is a potent, all natural, Omega-3 fatty acid complex. This amazing “next generation” fish oil contains not only the essential DHA and EPA fatty acids found in most ordinary fish oil products, but Omega XL is also the ONLY product that contains a total of 30 health promoting fatty acids. This diverse combination of fatty acids is what makes Omega XL the most unique, and well tolerated, fish oil complex on the market. Omega XL is derived only from Green Lipped Muscles from the pristine waters of New Zealand, which contributes to its incredible potency. The tiny, easy to swallow, gel caps cause no stomach or intestinal upset, zero side effects, are well tolerated with other medications and cause no allergic reaction to those who suffer from shell fish allergies. Over 25 years of multiple published clinical studies prove that Omega XL is one of the most powerful, all-natural, anti-inflammatory on Earth!
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