Selasa, 26 April 2011

Why Prefer Electronic Health Records(EHR) ?

Electronic Health Records or EHR software is the newest medical upgrade that has a comprehensive listing feature. It is essentially a computer program which develops a system where medical records are stored in the form of electronic files. It also features simple yet practically advanced computer applications that offer easy and quick search or retrieval of the needed information. The software may also be planned to join mutually other useful applications such as robotic data encouragement, E&M, code suggested, intra-office immediate messaging, tolerant preparation and problem listings. By reducing the chances of human error, the quality of medical practice is great increased by utilizing the software.

EHR software presents a number of solutions to delivering better patient care or health service. Instead of devoting all their time in searching and updating records of the medical patients, all the professionals and staff can now use their valuable time in taking care of the patients. The software will enable the staff to be more productive. With that, billing papers can be accomplished in a snap as finalization in the reports, clearances and other forms of paper works can be finalized easier and faster.

EHR software designs typically offer more practical applications, besides record keeping and faster paper work returns. Medical record privacy can be more reliably protected with this, in security terms. Most EHR packages force the user to log in multiple times before allowing access to certain records. This feature provides a cheaper yet equally dependable alternative to expensive security programs and IT infrastructure. As a result, the software saves operating time and costs.       Nortec EHR has specific features which make it unique among a new market of Healthcare Information Technology products. Most importantly, features of Nortec EHR which enable the centralized management of medical practices are a key component to the success of our systems solution.

Selasa, 19 April 2011

10 tips to feeling happier now

Are you happy? It’s such an important question that British Prime Minister David Cameron recently created a national happiness index to check on how Brits feel. Even Facebook is measuring the Gross National Happiness of its members.

We’re asking because happiness has a huge impact on your health, from your arteries to your heart, from the glow in your skin to the pep in your step.

Happy feelings influence your brain and body chemistry in ways that make you better able to cope with pain and stress, and to fend off colds, flu, heart disease, even cancer. The effects of happiness on your health can be even bigger than the effect of quitting smoking. If you’re happy, you’ll likely live longer and definitely live younger!

And here’s the thing: Being happy isn’t just luck. You can make yourself happier, day in, day out. Here are 10 ways to get started:

1. Listen to music. Whether you love Bach or the Beastie Boys, music that makes you feel good increases your heart and breathing rates, and makes your brain release dopamine, a lovely feel-good neurotransmitter.

2. Hang out with upbeat friends. Your chances of happiness increase by 15 per cent if someone in your immediate social circle is happy.

3. Take a joy break. Don’t worry if you’re among the 80 per cent who say their job doesn’t thrill them. Even a few minutes of doing something you love (singing, hiking, watching a sunset) can reduce anxiety and improve your mood.

4. Talk nice to yourself. Is your inner voice quick to snap out things like: “How could you forget that, you idiot?” Trade put-downs for encouraging words; you can do this. They set you up for success.

5. Connect. Talk, really talk, to people you care about; connecting is good for you both. Get physical, too: Hugs stimulate oxytocin, the “cuddle hormone,” giving you a feel-good boost. Lovemaking does, too, in steady relationships (those couples report the highest happiness levels).

6. Keep a gratitude journal. Simply writing down what you’re thankful for makes you healthier and more optimistic.

7. Don’t sit around. Physical activity is a significant happiness booster. Get moving for 30 minutes a day.

8. Meditate. We do. It eases stress, improves sleep, strengthens immunity and measurably increases happiness (in one study, by 20 points on a scale of 100).

9. Help others. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, hospital or shelter. Giving back adds more meaning, which is essential to happiness in your life.

10. Go outside. Spending time with Mother Nature makes you feel alert, enthusiastic, full of energy and, simply, happy.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Traditional Medical Records vs Electronic Medical Records (In Detail)

A paper patient record is recognized by name, serial, membership, reference or medical record number, and other identifiers that make it easier to find in the physical filing system. It takes long time to sort thousands of files, whenever patient or doctor requires checking previous medical history or updating the status of record. On other hand, an EHR provides dissimilar identifying information for each patient, and identifiers to locate the digital record among any number of records.Due to its digital nature, finding patient record is concern of merely seconds. 
If a paper chart is filed correctly in the medical records system, a staff member must go to the stacks of charts, using some quick identifier code. After matching the exact last name and first name, then the chart is "pulled" for desired review. Sometimes, a placeholder is inserted in stack, to make re-filing easier and for reference where the chart is headed. In this whole manual process, there is great potential of human mistake; any file can be lost easily due to slight negligence. An electronic chart is never lost, out, or misfiled because it is always exactly where it should be. An electronic record may be accessed from any point in a healthcare facility that has access to medical records.
A paper medical record includes office or progress notes in chronological sequence. These are sorted and searched by flipping through pages, until the desired entry is located. Progress notes in a traditional paper record might be produced by dictation/transcription, free handwriting, or form completion method. An EHR keeps progress notes and provides quick access by date of visit, provider or other accessible search criteria and the ability to browse by diagnosis and prescription. A full function EHR automatically creates the progress notes, as the visit is produced.
Laboratory and radiology reports, as well as related communication, are filed in more or less chronological order. Access to specific/desired entries can be prolonged or slow. An EHR stores reports/information in number of ways to provide quick access and speedy reference, such as scanned images, direct lab results or even on-line laboratory information. Access to common demographic and information is highly resourceful and useable due to implementation of EHR system in any practice.
In a paper chart system, a healthcare provider typically writes a paper prescription for the patient to take to a pharmacy. Actually, once this information has been adequately obtained, the paper prescription is handed to the patient. It is then necessary for the provider to document the process (that just took place), including the negative potential for drug interactions and allergies, as well as the form, strength, quantity, and directions for the prescribed drug/medicine. On other hand, EHR with strong clinical “decision support”, offers reference information regarding most-favorable treatment, such as treatment guidelines or "best practice standards”. An EHR with prescription writing capability performs the allergy and drug interaction checking, or at least provides a quick reference for manually checking, when the desired drug is selected. In addition, an EHR with electronic prescribing capability can send the prescription to a designated pharmacy directly/online/automatically. 
Paper charts characteristically hold demographic and insurance information, along with a list of medical problems, allergies and medications. These must be readily reorganized and should stay up to date and precise, manually. Some practices, use carbon copies of each document for transferring data to concerned or relevant department(s) such as billing. An EHR maintains this information, and shares any updated information wherever it is needed. For example: when updated insurance information is provided, that information is automatically passed to billing so that the information is reliable and existing, without the need for duplicate data-entry. In addition, clinical information such as problem lists and medication lists are readily updated without duplicate data-entry. EHR automatically updates the patient's medication list. As a result, carrying out this concept saves time, eliminates mistakes, keeps computerized revision and makes whole process smooth and trouble-free.  

Nortec EHR is “complete” Electronic Health Record system/solution for practices, having full capacity to manage any kind of operational task. Nortec’s suite consists of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), Practice Management (PMS), Advanced Surescripts certified Electronic Prescribing, Document Management, Revenue Cycle Management and a myriad of other modules designed to automate ambulatory and outpatient physician practices. Not only for its Stimulus Package of $44,000, Nortec EHR provides friendly, easy and complete “Health Record Management”, if implemented within any practice. Moving towards next era of Health IT, Nortec EHR can be your best partner!

Senin, 04 April 2011

Faster Weight Loss Through Speeding Up Your Metabolism?

Tips on How to Increase your Metabolism for Better Weight Loss The internet abounds in resources on how to lose weight. Sleeping has nothing to do with weight loss. Staying awake at night is the last thing you should do if you’re trying to lose weight. Just because you’re not moving when you’re asleep, it doesn’t mean that you’re putting on weight. However, studies have shown that making sure you get a good night’s sleep every night weighed about five pounds less than those who did not. This is because staying up late at night every night or even most nights can actually slow down your metabolism. This gets in the way of your body being able to use your food for energy, so it ends up getting stored as fat.

High levels of stress can affect your thyroid gland that keeps your hormone levels where they should be.

With a slow metabolism you can gain weight and even be depressed. By relaxing and doing activities you enjoy, you will keep your weight at a healthy level. So many of us are in such a rush in the morning, that we forget to eat breakfast and many of us think that it is only extra calories anyway. A healthy breakfast will speed up your body’s system of processing food and it will also boost your much-needed energy for the day. Some people find breakfast foods unappetizing, or they’re in a hurry and skip breakfast altogether; this could be okay. An hour after waking up and not later, eat something healthy, though. This will help you to have better weight loss results and be happier as well. In your workplace, try to move around a lot if it’s possible; shake a leg, too, instead of sitting at your desk the whole day.

This will not only help you shed off some pounds, keep fresh blood pumping to your heart, but keep you in good health as well. A good practice is to take a walk on your lunch break and get up from your desk every hour or so, and stretch a few times as you take deep breaths. We feel pressured and harassed in the modern world we live in that we don’t seem to have time for taking care of ourselves. Here I have presented you with some simple tips on habits that can increase your metabolism rate in order to lose weight. These are no-sweat tips not only on how to shed off unwanted pounds but also promote a happier and healthier lifestyle for you. Always bear in mind that your weight has a lot to do with your general health.

Weight loss can be as simple as increasing your metabolism rate.